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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Canning and Writing

Lately I've been doing this really fun thing with some other writer friends (Rhonda Stapleton, Michelle Zink, Jennifer Brown, and Danielle Joseph) where we meet online at a set time, someone says go, and we all write as fast as we can on our different projects. We do it for a half an hour at a time and then report back in with our word count. It's kind of like having a diet buddy, someone to cheer you on to write more words instead of lose lbs. It's awesome! I'm getting so much stuff done this way!

Except for last night. I had to miss out so I could go to a canning party. What's that you ask? Well, it's where a bunch of women get together to learn how to can. Good stuff I tell you. I have to admit, I've never canned before in my life and I probably never will again (takes a long time!) but it was fun to try and I felt very Ma Ingalls while doing it. Here's what we made:

The one on the right is strawberry jelly but we weren't sure it turned out as thick as it should so we wanted to leave it open-ended in case it was runny. Then we could call it ice cream topping.

I'm not sure when we'll open these to try. It took so much to get it canned I just sorta want to leave it like this.

They're pretty right?

One last writing thing before I go. I finished my story for the October 2011 Debs Anthology! Yay! I'm really excited about it! 25 super cool authors have contributed to it and the cover is BEAUTIFUL. Check it out:

For more info, click here!

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