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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Author Fairs!

I attended a great author fair at the Aurora Public Library in Aurora, IL, this weekend. There were I think about 48 authors there and it was pretty cool! I loved seeing all of the different authors and types of books. And after seeing some of the costumes people were wearing I'm thinking I need something snappier to wear to these things! The newspapers kept taking pics of the guy in the greek warrior get up and the chick in the beanie. Here's a shot of me and my bud Kristin Walker.

While chatting with lots of fun people at the fair I did agree to be on a local writing cable TV show in January so stay tuned for that fun!

I'll be at the Homer Glen Author Fair tomorrow night so if you're anywhere in the area, please stop and see me! Here are the details:

September 20, 2010 - 6-8:45pm
5th Homer Township Public Library's Author Fair
Homer Township Public Library
14320 W. 151st St.
Homer Glen, IL

1 comment:

Robin Dodd Photography said...

Hey Kristina!

I'm a photographer and writer and I just read your coffee novel! LOVED IT.. I was a barista while we were adopting our girls from Africa, to raise extra money, and Starbucks was so fantastic with their adoption assistance, and the whole time I was reading I was thinking. What a great idea! Why didn't I think of that LOL.. I always labeled people by their drinks..HAHAHA!! I'm recommending it to everyone!

I am in Aurora frequently because I've found clients there through a college friend, so I'll do photo shoots a couple times a year. I just love Chicago!